Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Florence -> Rome & Updates

Some really good pastry from the cafe right next to our hotel in Florence :)

First class train ride to Rome:

We took first class train to Rome.  It worth every penny to upgrade to first class.  Super comfortable ride to Rome.....We'll talk about our Rome hotel later. ...

Cobblestone steps near the Colloseum 

Some updates about myself:

I haven't been updating lately and I'm trying to get myself writing again.....please don't mind me :)  I would like to update that ever since this Euro trip 2012..... I hadn't stopped travelling....I would love to share all my thoughts in this blog..... 

After this Euro trip 2012, I had also travelled to :

Hong Kong 2012
Thailand 2013 - Bangkok
Germany 2013 - Frankfurt, Berlin, Rothenburg, Munich
Poland 2013 - Warsaw, Krakow
Hungary 2013 - Budapest
Austria 2013 - Vienna
Czech Republic 2013 - Prague
Hong Kong 2014
Los Angeles 2014
China 2014 - Shanghai
Australia 2014 - Melbourne, Phillip Island, Halls Gap, Adelaide, Kangaroo Island

1 comment:

  1. I wish I can travel more too, but too bad I can only travel during peak seasons, too costly to go as often as you...
