Sunday, May 5, 2013

Venice - First (late) lunch

After checking in, we were starving! We didn't eat much since our breakfast in Paris.  So we were walking around our hotel's area to find something to eat; it was already 5pm.  Late lunch? or prehaps early dinner?  We took that as lunch!  First day in Italy, of course we had to find some classic Italian food:

Two glasses of Beer, Pizza & Linguine with Clams..anything tasted good by that time we ate.

We weren't just randomly looking for something to eat, we wanted to have some kinda nice view while having our first meal in Venice :)

Expresso after our meal......pretty strong..

The area was quite quiet.  We sat there for a while, and there weren't too many people walking around. I guess it was getting late, most tourists either head back to their hotels outside of the island or their cruises.

Venice was really small.  The streets sign were so small.  It was very easy to miss the street when we were following the map.

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