Thursday, August 22, 2013

Travel's the experience that counts

What's most enjoyable?
I don't usually spend much on brand name products or clothing.  I wear the same style of clothes to work everyday.  I occasionally will get my friends to shop for some nice clothing/dresses as some treat to myself.  Usually, I don't get the pleasure from shopping, I think it's the experience I got from eating and travelling around that are most rewarding to me.  I started to enjoy writing even though I know I am not very good in writing.  I do believe it's a healthy hobby that will keep myself busy and happy (especially keeping myself away from facebook).

How would your experience last?
Although I might spend more money in traveling, it worth it.  Every little thing counts during my vacations.  The experience last even longer when I write blogs even nobody comes to read it.  It makes me remember most of the special moments and different things I encountered during my trip.  I'm still enjoying and remembering many details about my Euro trip last year!

How often would you go back to go through 3000 pictures that were taken in your digital camera?
How often would you take the time to organize them? It is probably better if you post them on your Facebook.

I took a Euro tour 10 years ago to Austria and Germany.  I enjoyed it a lot, but my memories kind of fade out.  It could also be because that was a tour, everything was planned out so I didn't have to do any research at all.  Thus, I hardly remember which attraction belongs to where.

Upcoming Euro tour:

This time I'm travelling with a girlfriend; I think it would be better to join a tour.  Instead of just going with the flow as the tour goes, I decided to do a lot of research on the different places we will visit.  I'm making a little tour book for myself to have some introductions of the different sight seeing tours.  I'm researching on what's something we must go or try during our free time.

Because if I don't do research ahead, I would probably won't remember anything.  I hope this is a fun trip.

It's nice to read back your own blogs that were written years ago (like Xanga).  I still find the old blogs interesting. 

I hope most of you will remember every moment of your vacation trips.  To do that? Write them out and share them :)

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