Thursday, April 18, 2013

Around the world...

I usually read the local news on the newspaper, and the news never seem to be interesting.....seems like the Canucks is usually on the cover page...But I guess no news is good news.  I was watching the news channel at noon today, the news was talking about the aftermath of the Boston's tragedy, the crazy explosion in Texas, the flooding in Chicago, North Korea....Afghanistan...etc...And then our local news was....."superman turns 75!" or introducing a new bird or chicken named Aussie? .....While so many unfortunate events are happening around the world, I do know I'm quite fortunate to live in Canada: a peaceful country with a majority of nice and friendly neighbourhoods.  

1 comment:

  1. Yes...I miss living in Canada...But you should really pay more attention to the rest of the world too, even though it's depressing most of the time, but now a days, everything that happens on one side of the world do have a butterfly effect on the other side.
    Ironically, it's funny how the Hk english newspaper(the free one) minimised most of the local news (unless it's financially related), and only the international news were covered. In many occasions, when something big happened locally in HK, my western coworkers have no idea what's going on, until they saw the pictures on the front cover of the Chinese paper.
