Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Paris - Bon Appetit III - Foie Gras (near Eiffel tower)

Au Petit Sud Ouest

After a long walk, we finally arrived to this restaurant we booked online: Au Petit Sud Ouest.
Tripadvisor's reviews said they have really good foie gras here.  This was located very close to the Eiffel tower.

Semi-cooked goose liver

We took the waitress' recommendations on the starters...The semi-cooked goose liver was quite good

Fried duck liver with Truffle sauce
The other starter dish of Foie Gras was a little too salty..

Entree #1: Preserved duck leg with fried sliced potatoes and fried ceps
I found the preserved duck leg was a little too dry and salty...

Entree #2: Whole duck breast with thin sliced fried potatoes and fried ceps
The duck breast was cooked medium rare, quite moist...not bad :)

Dessert: Apple Crumbles with Ice-cream...very delicious... along with a cafe du lait.......fantastic combo!

This restaurant is specialized in their foie gras, they sell all types of fresh and canned foie gras! :)

After enjoying the 3 hours of the good meal, we walked to the Eiffel tower on our last night in Paris.  We sat on the bench and waited until it sparkled at 12am.  So beautiful and quite romantic.  Later we walked back to the metro and metro back to hotel.  While we got off the metro, we saw some drunk kids talking really loudly in the metro.  After we got off to transfer to another metro, we figured no train was coming and then realized the last metro stopped at 1am.  So we had to walk back from the big station....good that it wasn't that far from the hotel.  Exhausting day...

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