Friday, March 22, 2013

Paris - 3 days in Paris

Highlights of Paris:

First of all, when I was typing these blogs for Paris, I needed to listen to some French music to get me into the mood.  And I found this on youtube:

- super soothing.....Try playing this as background when you read my blog :)

My 3 days Highlights of Paris:

Day 1:
      - Arrived to Paris, took lots of deep breath of the French air :p
      - 4 hours walking tour along the Seine River
      - Pedi-cab to Arc de Triomphe
      - Laduree & Berthillon

Day 2:
      - day trip to Versailles
      - Des Invalides (Napolean's tomb)
      - 3 hours dinner 
      - strolling in Paris
      - Eiffel Tower

Day 3:
      - Lourve 
      - St. Germain
      - Love-Lock bridge
      - food food food
      - more strolling in Paris

1 comment:

  1. Hey its Kris Angel and staying in Paris for 3 days was great experience of my life
