Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Paris - Parisian Cafe & Underground tunnels

Random Parisian Cafe:

We randomly went into this cafe for some pastry and drink.  The pastry was alright, it was really hot so we just got some iced tea, quite refreshing.  

I walked down the stairs to search for the washroom, the basement was very spacious and it looked like a gallery? (it could be just a stock room) I didn't really expect that when I was walking down the stairs;  it kind of reminded me of the stories I heard about the underground tunnels system in Paris.  

Side note: Underground tunnels

Deep under the streets of the Romantic city, it is a massive underground maze of tunnels and crypts. There are different underground secret societies who venture into the tunnel systems for different purposes (ex: rave parties, underground movie theatre and engineers who fixed stuff for museums...yes, for free..probably those who couldn't stand the inefficiency of the French's work pace).  

"Paris’ cemeteries became so overcrowded in the 1700s they started to cause hygiene problems for the city. Some smart chap came up with the idea of moving all Paris’ dead to an abandoned mine shaft… so that’s what they did.
Between 1786 – 1788 the remains of dead Parisians were exhumed and moved to the new burial place. Paris’s catacombs are now home to approx 6 million skeletal remains…"
                - source from The creepier side of Paris

Because of the big underground cemeteries and the massive underground tunnels, the buildings in Paris cannot be too tall.

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